Infrared saunas are one of the most accessible ways for people to experience a sauna. It’s a fantastic option for most people but is that also true for pregnant women? This guide will explain everything a pregnant woman needs to know about using an infrared sauna.
Are infrared saunas safe for pregnant women?
While infrared saunas aren’t as heat intensive as traditional saunas, we still would not recommend a pregnant woman using it during her pregnancy. This is particularly true for women in their first trimester.
However, when it comes to making decisions about your body while pregnant, you should always speak to your doctor about it before making any decisions yourself.
It should be noted that the knowledge on the impact of saunas on pregnancy are limited, but it’s still better to avoid any unnecessary risks to your unborn child.
Effects of heat on pregnancy
The problem with saunas (both infrared and traditional) is their heat. Heat can have a major effect on the development of the fetus during pregnancy. Body temperatures above 101º F (38.3°C) can be seriously concerning for the health of the baby and can even lead to issues like birth defects during the first trimester.
The first trimester is the riskiest period because it is when much of the fetus’s foundational development happens. However, it still isn’t recommended for a pregnant woman to use a sauna in the second and third trimester.
Additionally, pregnant women are typically more susceptible to overheating and the negative effects that come with it.
Follow Your Doctor’s Advice
Ultimately, your doctor is the best person to go to for advice when it comes to your pregnant body. If your doctor does give you permission to use an infrared sauna, it’s still best to take it very easily.
Try to limit the length of your sessions and avoid going for much longer than 15 minutes. Similarly, you can lower the temperature of your infrared sauna so that it doesn’t get too overwhelming.
Ultimately, you need to listen to your body. If you feel fatigued or faint, don’t try to force the sessions to happen. You can always come back to the sauna after your pregnancy is over.
Other Options For Pregnant Women
Just because pregnant women should probably avoid the use of an infrared sauna, it doesn’t mean they don’t have options to help relax. These include:
- A warm bath: warm but not too hot for the same reasons you should avoid using an infrared sauna.
- Prenatal yoga: This is a great option for both relaxation but also keeping your body flexible and limber as your pregnancy progresses.
- Meditation: Taking up a meditation practice can help you feel more in control of your body while practicing mindfulness can help manage stress.
- Pregnancy-safe massages: There are specific massages designed to help pregnant women relax and unwind whilst being safe for both the mother and baby.
For more stress relief and relaxation ideas, check out our full guide.
When it comes to pregnancy, it’s always best to avoid taking risks. While infrared saunas are great for promoting health and relaxation, they can cause complications for pregnant women. Instead, it’s best to enjoy relaxing activities like prenatal yoga, warm baths and even pregnancy-safe massages.
Ultimately, it’s always best to speak to your doctor as they will be able to provide the best guidance for your pregnancy.